And I think we're about caught up now, with the finished quilts in order. So important to have a bit of order, don't you think?
This is my third finished quilt of 2016, completed in March. It's a small version of a bigger quilt that I made for my new nephew, Conor Anthony Britten, who was born on the 29th of March.

I had a lot of scraps left over from the bigger quilt that I made for Conor, and I though he could use something a little smaller to get started with. Number Two is around 22 x 25 inches, a good size for tummy time, nursing, traveling, or just plain ole snuggling. I resisted the temptation to cut more fabric for this, and just pieced what I had. I did some straight line quilting, and whipped this up about half a day. I know that's not particularly fast, but you know what? For me it is.
My sister invited me to be there in the room with her, Daddy and G-Ma on the day that Conor arrived. It was super wonderful to witness his arrival, and I'm so grateful to Kelly & Matt for letting me be a part of his birth. It's just... nuts, isn't it? Babies. Barely seconds old and you're already blubbing away because they grab your heart.
Welcome, Conor!