My friend Ivy recently joined my virtual sewing bee, the Love Circle. We had a lovely day sewing together, putting together these blocks for Cat for our November quilt. The pattern is “Mod Mosaic” by Elizabeth Hartman, and Cat chose a palette of frosty “sea glass” colors for us. We were surprised how long these took to piece together - a lot of seams! The result is well worth the effort though.
The Love Circle took a month off in October to try to catch up. We seem to be having difficulty finishing quilts. As a relatively new member, I was starting to wonder about that - was it normal to take so long? Our circle leader Rachel is giving us all a gentle nudge to get things done! I am as guilty as most - my wonky stars are languishing in a box, still packed from the move. My sewing room is finally coming together a little bit, so I’m determined to get those stars up on the design wall and start piecing this week.