This past week I've spent some time tidying up the blog. A few design changes, but also a lot of work updating or replacing images that were low quality or missing. This involved going through my photo archives and locating originals, where I still have them. Quite a few were lost in the failure of my RAID array on a Mac Pro a few years ago - a devastating loss, and a sober reminder to you all to have a good back-up plan for your drives.
Going through the old blog posts and my old photos has been quite a poignant trip for me. I spent 28 years of my life in London and looking back on that is a mix of pleasure and pain. I really enjoyed living in London, and I miss so many of the people that were my good friends there. Of course, living in a big city like London is a challenge, and even staying in touch with friends who only live on the other side of the city could mean an hour's journey, and one that we all made less frequently as we got older and began to nest more and party less. My last couple of years in London were, unfortunately, rather stressful due to my work and illness, therefore I led an even more cloistered existence.
When we left London in 2013, I full intended to visit at least once a year. That hasn't happened - again, life events often don't cooperate fully with your best laid plans. I do hope to get back and see some of those people and places one day soon.